Useful Tips On How To Stop Your House From Getting Messy

It’s no secret that a clean and tidy home is essential for a happy life. Not only does it make you feel good to come home to a place that’s neat and clutter-free, but it also helps you stay organized and focused. Unfortunately, keeping your house clean can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have the time or energy to do it every day.


But with a little bit of effort, you can keep your home looking neat at all times. Here are six useful tips on how to stop your house from getting messy.


Put things away as soon as you’re done with them

One of the main reasons why homes get messy is because people don’t put things away after they’ve used them. If you can train yourself to put things back in their rightful place as soon as you’re done with them, you’ll be amazed at how much neater your home will look.


This should extend to your children too –  make sure they know where their things belong and encourage them to put them away after they’re done using them. This is especially true if they’re playing in your living room, so you should encourage them to learn to organize toys without a playroom space. A home with small kids will naturally be messier, but if you’re consistent with teaching them to put their things away, it will make a big difference.

Make your bed every morning

Another simple but effective tip is to make your bed as soon as you get up in the morning. This will instantly make your bedroom look and feel more orderly, and it only takes a few minutes to do. Also, if your bed is made, it’s less likely that you’ll be tempted to jump back in and take a nap!


Additionally, you should also try to keep your nightstand clear of clutter. This is a space where you should be able to relax, so make sure it’s only filled with things that bring you peace and calm like a scented candle, a small plant, or a picture frame.

Do the dishes right after you eat

Leaving dirty dishes in the sink is not only unsightly, but it can also attract bugs and make your kitchen smell bad. To avoid this, try to do the dishes as soon as you’re done eating. The best option would be washing and cleaning as you cook, but if you don’t have time to wash them right away, at least put them in the dishwasher so they’re out of sight.


Another option is to invest in paper plates and disposable cups and utensils. This can be a lifesaver on busy days when you don’t have time to do the dishes. Just make sure to recycle the paper products when you’re done with them.

Keep your counters and floors clean

One of the quickest ways to make your home look messy is to have dirty countertops and floors. To avoid this, make it a habit to wipe down your counters and sweep or vacuum your floors regularly. This will not only keep your home looking clean, but it will also help you avoid attracting pests.


If you have hardwood floors, you should also be mopping them every week. This will not only remove dirt and dust, but it will also make them look shiny and new. And if you have pets and small children, you should be doing this even more often to prevent stains and odors.

Get rid of clutter

One of the best ways to keep your home neat is to get rid of anything that you don’t need. This includes old clothes, unused furniture, toys that your children have outgrown, and anything else that’s just taking up space.


You can either donate these items to a local charity or have a garage sale to make some extra money. But getting rid of clutter will not only make your home look better, but it will also make it feel more spacious and organized.

Create a cleaning schedule

The best way to keep your home clean is to create a cleaning schedule and stick to it. This doesn’t mean that you have to clean your entire house from top to bottom every day. But if you set aside some time each day to do a few simple tasks, it will make a big difference.


For example, you can vacuum the floors and dust the furniture on Mondays, wash the dishes and wipe down the counters on Tuesdays, mop the floors and clean the bathrooms on Wednesdays, and so on. If you can find a system that works for you and stick to it, you’ll be surprised at how much cleaner your home will stay.



Keeping a clean and tidy home can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of effort, you can make it happen. By following these six simple tips, you’ll be able to keep your house looking neat and organized at all times. And don’t forget that creating a cleaning schedule is key to maintaining order!