Top Tips On How To Easily Style Your Hair At Home

Sometimes a new hairstyle can freshen up your appearance and make you look more attractive than usual, which is quite convenient, especially if you happen to have some sort of meeting or big event coming up. However, the trip to the barber or hairdresser salon takes up a lot of time, and time is sometimes a luxury we cannot afford, therefore, a home solution would be more suited given the circumstances. And yes! There are ways to style your hair even at home with the basic tools you have at your disposal. That is why we summed up some tips on how to “pull it off “ and still look stunning afterward. 


Making curls 


The best and most basic technique you could implement is ironing your hair to create lavish and mesmerizing curls. In a few simple steps, you can make the perfect curls which work great even if you happen to have shorter hair as opposed to longer, and it always looks amazingly well. Curls are everyone’s style, meaning a large number of people can “pull them off” with ease and look fresh and younger. Before curling, one piece of advice is to spritz the hair with a hair spray to prevent contact between the hot iron and the dry hair, since this can only cause damage. Make sure to set the iron at a lower heat, and try out different techniques while curling. 



There have always been mixed feelings regarding bangs, as some people seem born to wear them, while others might look just “dull” and rather unattractive. However, bangs have always been one of the classic hairstyles for most occasions, and if you are looking for something to give yourself a make-over, starting with bangs might not be such a bad idea. Luckily, you can do it by yourself at home, without going to the hairdresser, with just a few small steps. First, you’ll need to gather the needed tools for the job, including hair shears (or scissors, but make sure to use high-quality ones that are extra sharp), a tail comb, a styling wand, and some protective spray. Take your hair with the tail comb, the longest part, and comb back until you make a ponytail. But you’ll have to comb it all the way back, or at least until you hit the little bump at the back of your head. Later on, you can focus on layering the sides, get the rest of the hair out of the ponytail, and repeat the layering process. After some time, you should have inverted V-shaped bangs, or you can try traditional ones as well. 

Try a side look 


By simply combing your hair to the side, you can try a side look, with the hair being swiped to the left or right. It always looks refreshing and nice, although you will not make a big difference, and it is perfect if you happen to be insecure about cutting your hair on your own. 

Wavy braids 


You do know how to make braids, but one easy-to-achieve twist is ironing the braids for some time and making the hair wavy. This looks amazing, especially with a nice summer dress and a pair of sunglasses, as it gives the “not trying too hard” kind of look, yet still elegant and sophisticated. 


Another idea is making braids fishtail style, as the process is quite easy to follow, and it will only take up some of your time, without too much effort. 


A firm ponytail 


If your ponytail seems a bit lower, and you want to give it a bit of a lift, try inserting bobby pins, as they’ll act as reinforcement and make it stand higher up. 


Or you can always try something new and different, such as making two ponytails one under the other, thereby creating the illusion of having one long, without the extensions. You can always make a little bun for more fun, and if it happens to be a bit loose, try making a loop out of one piece of hair and tug the bun in. 


We do recommend using conditioners regularly to nurture your hair, for it to become stronger rather than fragile. Soft, yet strong hair is perfect for any possible hairstyle combination and is perfect to work with. Last but not least, avoid cutting your wet hair. Professionals do it all the time, but they usually just trim the tips with accuracy and leave the rest because hair shrinks as it dries. As a result, you may miscalculate the length of your hair and cut it shorter than necessary.