Top Style Resolutions You Could Make in 2022


Most of us make some resolutions on New Year’s Eve that we don’t uphold for very long, such as those relating to health, career, and relationships. We might tell ourselves we’ll cut back on alcohol, finally, ask our boss for a raise, take more “me time,” or otherwise make a change in our life. Unfortunately, most resolutions get broken before January is up.

That’s why it pays to come up with tasks for yourself that are not only more achievable but also fun, so you stay motivated to achieve them. For instance, if you feel you need a fashion refresh in 2022, you might like to make some style resolutions to commit to.

Buy Less and Wear Current Clothing More

Why not start the new year off with a resolution to help the planet and your wallet at the same time by buying less clothing this year? Most of us tend to keep purchasing new things and neglect to pay attention to all the pieces we already own. However, if we take the time to sort through our things and look for ways to combine them in fresh ways, we’ll see that we have more outfits than we realize and no necessity to keep outlaying money on new stuff.

You might set yourself a challenge to wear every item of clothing in your closet over the next three months and, if not, to give it away or sell it. Or you could publicly declare that you’re going to find ten different ways to wear each piece and showcase your stylings on social media, to have the public scrutiny motivate you to commit. You might just keep your resolutions private, too, but focus on saving a significant amount of money in 2022 that you would have otherwise spent on new fashion.

Shop with Values in Mind

These days, a popular resolution is to shop more locally and choose sustainable gear wherever possible. Doing this helps to cut back on emissions created via transport and enables you to support local producers and the local economy, too. Another related resolution could be only to buy items you know have been produced ethically and that, for instance, haven’t made use of child, slave, or otherwise underpaid and exploited labor or that have in any way harmed animals (such as steering clear of silk or leather).

You’ll need to do plenty of research to determine which companies legitimately meet local, sustainable, and ethical criteria, so give yourself the time to investigate. Don’t be afraid to ask businesses for specific details about their operations, too. Plus, read articles, blogs, and social media posts for insights and roundups on suggestions of morally-driven clothing producers to add to your shortlist.

Set a Budget and Stick to It

If you looked at your bank account after the festive season and were shocked by how low or even negative the balance was or how high your recent credit card bill was, you might like to make a 2022 resolution to set a budget for fashion and stick to it. Work out your goals and capabilities so you have an idea of a feasible budget, keeping in mind that it’s normal for a budget to be challenging to stick to but not impossible.

To help you stick to these financial plans, develop strategies to limit the risk of overspending. For example, you might make a rule that you’re not allowed to purchase anything that costs over a specific amount or that you can’t make any impulse buys and have to wait a week after seeing an item to see if you still really want it. Plus, it helps to think about exactly what else in your cupboard clothes will go with when shopping, so you don’t end up with a bunch of stuff that you never wear because the gear doesn’t match your other pieces well enough.

Be Bolder in Fashion Choices

We often like to reboot our look at the start of the year when we feel bored with our current look or want to generally feel sexier, more youthful, or confident. As such, why not make a resolution right now that you’re going to make bolder fashion choices in 2022? You could aim to try styles, colors, or shapes in clothing that you usually steer clear of.

Perhaps you might think about going for a more casual look when you’re away from the office, by buying some fun graphic tees to add to your wardrobe and some comfortable sneakers for everyday wear. It all comes down to what you hope to achieve and what works for your budget, tastes, and body shape.

Some other resolutions you could try on for size this year include finding yourself a signature scent, committing to getting your clothing tailored for optimum fit, or supporting diverse designers.

You might also resolve to stop comparing yourself to others and to buy for and dress your current body, not the one you keep wishing you had. See this time as a way to change things up in your life in small yet meaningful ways that can have numerous flow-on effects.