The Difference Between Diamond and Aquamarine

The Difference Between Diamond and Aquamarine

The diamond and Aquamarine gemstones are popular and sought after worldwide. Both these stones have many of the same characteristics, but they have their few differences that make them unique. These differences will help you buy a diamond so you can enjoy the delight of seeing your loved ones shining face when they receive a gift from you. Here are a few points that will help you know more about these two stones and choose the one which suits your needs the best.

The Difference

There are two types of diamonds and aquamarine gemstone jewelry in Australia. One is a gemstone; the other is an actual mineral. The diamond is a form of carbon mined from Earth’s core and changes color over time. The aquamarine is blue beryl and is considered one of the top ten gifts of all time. When it comes to wedding jewelry, couples love giving each other these gifts. They are very popular gifts to give for a number of occasions, most especially on special days such as birthdays and anniversaries.

Let’s evaluate both gems with 4Cs.


Espirito Santo aquamarine and Santa Maria aquamarine are part of the beryl family, a family with the mineral beryllium as its central element. Now, a lot of people associate the color blue with aquamarine because of its name, aqua, meaning water. However, according to their chemistry, the color of gems from the beryl family varies from pale to light-blue, dark-blue, green-blue, and blue-green.


A diamond can either be cut to enhance its fire and brilliance or for depth and weight retention. The cut is one of the four key characteristics used to grade a diamond. Cut has the greatest effect on a diamond’s brilliance and sparkle, which are an important component of beauty in diamonds.

A diamond’s cut usually defines how brilliant it is. A well-cut stone will have exceptional brilliance because it has been cut to maximize its reflective properties when light enters it. The facets are precisely placed, and this enhances the diamond’s appearance. A poorly-cut stone usually has deep cracks or rough edges that are often seen on older diamonds that were not professionally cut.


The clarity of gems is an essential feature that determines their value. Clarity is referred to the degree of transparency or opaque quality present in a gemstone. The lower the clarity, the lower the value of a stone. After its discovery, the intensity and brilliance of this blue gemstone gave the aquamarine the title, The Most Admirable. The rarity of the aquamarine would give it another title: The Queen of the blue gemstones.

Carat weight

Diamonds are evaluated by the carat weight. It is a traditional way of describing the diamond size and polishing quality. There are 100 carats in every one hundred grams, although there is a bit of variation from country to country. Furthermore, 20 carats are equivalent to 0.2 kilograms in standard measurements.

Aquamarine is most prized for its ocean blue color. Clarity, color, purity, and size are all very important in evaluating the value of an aquamarine. The quality of the gemstone relates directly to its effect as a piece of jewelry. By this measure, aquamarine is nearly flawless. Very little or no silk is present, although inclusions can be seen by a skilled professional. Aquamarine’s exceptional hardness and beauty make it an excellent jewel for most occasions.