How to Design Your Bedroom to Reflect Your Personal Style

How to Design Your Bedroom to Reflect Your Personal Style

Your bedroom is your safe space and the one place where you can really express your personal style. If you’re wondering how to design your bedroom to reflect your personal style then have a read through this article for four great tips – we’ll take you through everything from decor to bedsheets, wall hangings to houseplants – let’s get creative!

Think About the Decor

Your bedroom decor is a key way to express your personal style. Your bedroom should be your sanctuary and somewhere where you can fully express yourself. These days, with rent prices skyrocketing, it’s common to share a house with at least one other person. This often means that you can’t express your personal style fully in shared spaces in the house. This is all the more reason to put effort into decorating your room exactly how you want it – think about your furniture, your carpets and your decorations. Every part of your bedroom should reflect a part of your personality.

Personalize Your Bed

Your bed can reflect your personal style just as much as the general decor of your bedroom can. Your bed is often the focal point of your bedroom so you should decorate your bed to reflect your preferred esthetic as much as possible. Think about what sheets you have, or any scatter cushions you might want to put on the bed. There are countless designs of bed frames that you can purchase which can both transform a room and reflect your personal style. Make sure that you have a good quality mattress – according to Savvy Sleeper, competition within the mattress industry has increased exponentially, meaning that the best mattresses are usually sold at a much cheaper price during sale weekends, so pick yourself up a good quality mattress to go with your personalized style today.

Don’t Forget the Walls

Your walls are just as important as your furniture. They should reflect your personal style, inject color into the room and give your room dimension. Think about graphic posters, intricate wall hangings or fairy lights draped across walls. Think about your favorite bands or your favorite artists and decorate your walls to reflect your interests. Equally, you could go for a more minimal design by carefully choosing a few statement pieces to hang on your walls as accents to bring the room together. Minimal design is lacking in character; in fact, a more minimalist bedroom often reflects maturity and can create a more peaceful atmosphere than one that is packed with mismatched furniture and colorful posters.

Houseplants Can Transform Any Room

One of the most interesting ways to inject some character into your room is to add some houseplants. You might not think that houseplants can reflect your personal style but they totally can! It’s all about how and where you place them in the room, what kind of pot you put them in and what kind of plant you choose to buy. If you want a more minimalist esthetic then consider buying a few succulents to put by your window. Equally, you have the potential to transform your room into an indoor jungle with plants hanging from the ceiling, potted plants on the floor and succulents and smaller plants on desks and bedside tables.

Whether through house plants, wall hangings, bed sheets or furniture, there are loads of ways to express your personal style through how you design your bedroom. Don’t be afraid to get creative, express yourself and create an environment in which you feel like you can be 100% yourself.