Five Skincare Steps That You Should Never Overlook

A skincare routine should be unique to you, as different people will have different needs that they’ll need to address, such as dryness, breakouts, or signs of aging. While the regime you adopt is individual, there are some product types and techniques that you’d be smart not to ignore. Don’t miss out on a beautiful, radiant, and youthful complexion. Learn about the five skincare steps that you should never overlook.

1. Always Wash Your Hands
Before applying any skincare product to your fingers, you must wash your hands for twenty seconds with warm, soapy water. Oil, dirt, and bacteria can build up on your hands, which you can transfer to your face and neck during a skincare routine, and this may trigger an unwanted zit or acne. Washing your hands beforehand will ensure they’re fresh and clean when applying any products to your face.

2. Cleanse Your Face and Neck
Once your hands are fresh and clean, apply a gentle face cleanser suitable for all skin types, including dry and sensitive skin. The carefully formulated product will clean, nourish, and smooth the skin without triggering an acne breakout or skin condition flare-up. It’s a quick and clever way to clean makeup, oil, dirt, pollution, or other debris from your skin while making it feel soft and fresh.

3. Moisturize Regularly
Every skin type will benefit from good hydration, which is why you must moisturize twice daily. Choose an effective product that’s suitable for every skin type to help your body absorb moisture while strengthening its barrier function. Routine moisturizing is beneficial for every skin type, as it will decrease extreme oiliness or dryness, which helps to combat unwanted complaints, such as acne, zits, or inflammation.

4. Follow the Skincare Instructions
Applying more product than recommended doesn’t mean that it’ll work quicker or provide better results. For instance, if you apply too much moisturizer to your skin, it might become flaky, irritated, and fail to absorb into your skin.
Skincare products are rigorously tested for safety purposes and to provide customers with the best possible results. Therefore, you’d be wise to follow the product instructions to the letter to receive the best outcome for your face and body and to avoid any side effects.

5. Apply Sunscreen Daily
It doesn’t matter if the sun is shining or if it’s snowing outside, you must apply sunscreen before stepping outside your home. It will shield your face and body from UV rays that can cause sunburn and break down your skin’s proteins, which may lead to fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and pigmentation. Whatever your skin type or complaint, apply a gentle SPF to your face, neck, and body, and reapply when necessary.

It doesn’t matter if you’re living with eczema, acne, psoriasis, or dryness, you should follow the above top tips to improve your skin’s health and minimize any issues. If in doubt, discuss the best tactics to adopt with a dermatologist, and always read the product ingredients to ensure they’ll be gentle to your skin.