Everything You Need To Know About Balancing Oily Skin

There are various skin types out there, and for some of you, you may suffer from oily skin. It isn’t a bad sign if you possess oily skin. This is because our skin needs these oils to produce a natural glow and moisture. Although, it can be irritating when your skin produces too much oil.

You shouldn’t fret if you do have oily skin. Experts like Jenny Pink at Natural Beauty Uncovered, have found ways for you to manage your skin. To help balance your oily skin there are a few dos and don’ts.

In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about balancing oily skin. 

Why Does Oily Skin Occur?

An excessive amount of natural oil produced by the pores frequently results in oily skin. Sebaceous glands, which create an excessive amount of sebum, are a natural oil that can cause acne, blackheads, and other skin defects. These glands are typically overactive in people with oily skin.

Hormones, diet, and stress are a few things that can contribute to this. However, other things, like genetics, can be a result of oily skin. 

Thankfully, there are numerous strategies to lessen oily skin and reduce the likelihood of breakouts.

Balancing Your Oily Skin

There are a few methods that can help control your oil skin so that you look and feel more confident. 

Choose The Right Products

Read the labels of the products you wish to use. They will often say the kind of skin type they are more suited for. An effective cleanser and toner, an oil-controlling moisturizer, and sunscreen should all be part of your skincare regimen.

You do need to be careful about the ingredients within the products that you choose to use. They should be gentle on your face. If any of your chosen products make your skin feel tight or dry, then they are not working and need to be replaced with something else. 

Always Moisturize 

Many people who have oily skin believe that their natural oils are sufficient moisturizers. However, people with oily skin often mistakenly believe this and avoid using moisturizers.

The purpose of a moisturizer is to help keep your skin nourished and stop water loss. However, it may address other skin issues like hyperpigmentation or fine wrinkles.  

We advise selecting a light moisturizer, possibly anything that has a gel-like consistency. Creams can also be beneficial but stay away from thick lotions or moisturizers. 

Cleanse Your Face

For oily skin types, double cleansing—using a stronger cleanser or makeup remover first, then applying a milder one to make sure the skin is fully cleansed—might be helpful. 

If your skin becomes too oily by lunchtime, you might also be required to cleanse it twice daily. However, be sure to use a gentle product. 

Exfoliate Once A Week

Exfoliating more frequently than necessary is a habit that certain individuals with oily skin develop. The feeling of a freshly exfoliated face is smooth and clean, as opposed to the sticky feeling you are used to.  

However, it’s not beneficial for your skin. Excessive exfoliation of oily skin is problematic since it promotes oil production. This happens when your skin reacts to feeling “squeaky clean.” It believes there isn’t enough oil present, and generates extra. 

Once a week exfoliating with a mild exfoliator should be sufficient.  

Use A Clay Mask

Clay masks are excellent in reducing shine. If you have breakouts, they can also reduce inflammation. It can either be used locally to address blemishes or applied everywhere as a weekly treatment. 

However, exercise caution while using clay masks as well, as this might have a similar impact just like over-exfoliating. Your hyperactive sebaceous glands will create extra oil to make up for too much drying out of the skin’s surface.   

Final Thoughts

If you suffer from oily skin then fear not as it is quite simple to balance your skin, so that you reduce that shine but don’t dry out your face. When it comes to oily skin, you need to think about the products you’re using on your face and ensure they are suitable for oily skin.

You also don’t need to shy away from moisturizing your skin as it has lots of benefits. Also using a clay mask or exfoliating once a week can have a huge impact on balancing out your oily skin as well.

We hope you have enjoyed this article. We have provided you with everything you need to know about balancing your oily skin.