Workout Makeup 101 – Can You Wear Makeup While You Exercise?

You might feel tempted to wear makeup to the gym. After all, many celebrities and reality TV stars seem to be able to do tens of burpees with a full set of lashes and a flawless face of makeup. But is it really the right thing to do before a workout?


In case you want to know the answer to that question, read on! Below, you will find out whether wearing makeup while exercising is healthy for the skin. In addition to that, we will share a few practical tips on how to go about applying makeup before hitting the gym and share the best skincare practices to use while working out. Check it out!  Visit this page for wholesale lashes online.

Is Wearing Makeup While Exercising a Bad Thing?

There are a few reasons why you might feel tempted to wear makeup when working out – the main one being, of course, that you want to look fresh and flawless. After all, you are going to see other people at the gym or during your morning jog.


But is wearing makeup while exercising really such a great idea? Not really. First, applying makeup before a workout can clog your pores and prevent your skin from breathing. Obviously, it is a bad thing, as it can contribute to the growth of bacteria on the skin's surface, which can lead to irritation, inflammation, and acne.


Second, during a workout, your body temperature rises, which causes you to sweat. Because of that, your makeup can become smudged and start sliding off your face. As such, not wearing makeup to your workouts is an excellent opportunity to let your skin breathe, keep it healthy, and even save money on makeup products!

Workout Makeup Tips

If you absolutely have to wear makeup while working out, you should opt for a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation. Tinted moisturizers provide light coverage and are less likely to clog your pores. If you do not have a tinted moisturizer, you can always apply some light anti-redness cream or concealer to problem areas and set it with some translucent powder. Trust us, your skin will thank you for that!


Next, focus on your eyebrows. Well-groomed brows can make your face look prettier, even when you do not have any makeup on. When it comes to your lips, swipe on a bit of nourishing lip gloss and leave it at that. Last but not least, apply some waterproof mascara, and you are ready!

Skincare at the Gym

Now, you know how to go about applying makeup before exercising. But what about your skincare routine? What should you do at the gym to ensure that your skin is healthy and glowing?


For starters, it is essential that you always put on clean workout clothes. It might sound like common sense, but many people forget about this. Obviously, you will sweat during your workout, and your clothing will absorb it. If you do not change into clean clothes, you will likely develop body acne.


Other than that, if you are exercising outdoors, you should remember to put on some sunscreen. The sunscreen should be SPF 30 or more, broad-spectrum, water-resistant, and oil-free. Otherwise, it might end up clogging up your pores.


Always use a clean towel to wipe the sweat off your face during your workout. Many gyms do not wash their towels often enough, so it is better to bring your own. In addition, avoid touching your face and wipe off shared equipment with antibacterial wipes before using it. Otherwise, you risk getting harmful bacteria all over your hands and face.


Lastly, always remove your makeup when you come home from the gym. Make sure to use a gentle cleanser and avoid using harsh scrubs. If you are pressed for time, you can always keep cleansing wipes in your gym bag to cleanse your face quickly.

How Can You Feel More Comfortable Without Makeup While at the Gym?

If you feel uncomfortable leaving the house without any makeup on, you should focus on your skincare routine. The better your skin looks and feels, the less makeup you will want to apply.


Obviously, your diet plays a vital role in your skin condition. If you eat too much sugar, drink too much alcohol, or smoke cigarettes, all of these things will impact the way your skin looks. If you want to look good without makeup, you should avoid them altogether.


In addition, you should exfoliate your skin regularly. Exfoliation helps eliminate dead skin cells and makes your skin look healthier and brighter. But make sure not to exfoliate too often. Once a week should be enough.

In Conclusion

Overall, we do not recommend wearing makeup when exercising. It can clog your pores and cause acne breakouts, among other things. If you absolutely must wear makeup, use light products that will not clog your pores, and remember to remove your makeup as soon as you come home from the gym.


If you do not feel comfortable not wearing any makeup to the gym, focus more on your skincare routine. The better your skincare routine, the better you will look and feel without any makeup on. Happy exercising!

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