This Is How to Pierce Your Septum

Are you trying to figure out how to pierce your septum? If yes, you should check out our guide here on the key steps to take.

Are you trying to figure out how to pierce your septum? Before you do that, take a moment to breathe and read through this article. 

If one pierces their septum without knowing what to do, they are bound to experience side effects, which are less than wanted. 

This article will cover the entire process from cleaning to piercing.

So if that sounds interesting to you, which it should – keep reading to learn more.


As always, one must prepare for activities of such a delicate nature, which involve conscious bodily harm for the sake of aesthetics. 

The first step in the entire process is to clean the space where you will be piercing. You need to ensure that you will be piercing in a clean room with a mirror. For most people, this is the bathroom.

So make sure that you clean the sink, counter, and everything else thoroughly. Then lay down some paper towels, and that's where you will be placing your supplies. Also, don't use the bathroom for anything other than piercing until you've finished. 

It's probably a good idea to close the toilet, empty the trash, and remove any unnecessary foreign objects, such as cat litter.


As an assumption, you should already have all of the necessary supplies ready. And keep in mind that you should be using single-use gloves whenever touching supplies or your nose. 

Also, wearing two sets of gloves is a good idea because if you contaminate the upper layer, you can simply remove it. Before you put the gloves on, clean your hands and arms up to the elbows. Do not wear loose-fitting clothing either.

Now lay out your supplies, and make sure that they are sterilized and pre-packaged. Don't take any instruments out of the package until you're ready to use them. 

Organize the tools on the counter in order of usage so that you can avoid touching them more than you need to. A small bag to dispose of supplies is also a good thing to have around.

Nasal Prep

Trimming your nasal hairs with a surgical razor blade is recommended. To do this without damage to your skin, slow down. Breathe deeply and trim on exhales.

The trim doesn't have to be perfect, but you want to make sure that no hairs will prevent your piercing from remaining sterile.

Now, you can clean the nostrils with antiseptic. Dip a swab in rubbing alcohol and swipe inside each nostril. Use new swabs for each nostril.

And swab on exhales so you don't breathe in fumes from the chemical solution. Once you've done this, get another clean swab and clean the outside of your nose and any surface where your fingers will be touching your face during the piercing process.

At this point, you need to find the columella. With gloves on, pinch your septic until you find the perfect spot. At the bottom, you should feel a fleshy part. Higher up, the tough cartilage is present. Between the two is the columella, and that's where you want to pierce. 

It will help if you can pull the flesh down a little. But what's interesting is that not everybody has a columella, especially if you have a deviated septum; you might not have a proper place for septum piercing.

If you cannot find it, you risk piercing your cartilage or fatty tissue. Either will hurt a lot, so make sure that when you're locating the spot, you almost feel nothing between the two fingers. Press your fingers together, and you should barely feel it.

How to Pierce Your Septum – This Is How

So now, we can finally teach you how to pierce your septum, so start by marking the spot with a surgical market. Once you've found the columella, take a surgical market and put a dot on the spot. You only need a dot on the side where you will be inserting the needle.

You can also draw a line across the bottom of the septum in line with the dot. This will make sure that your piercing is straight.

Now, place the clamps on both sides of the spot. Open them up and position them so that the dot is in the center of the clamps. Ensure that you can clearly see the spot and that the handles are in line with the line that you drew on the nose. 

If you can tighten the clamps, do it. It will ensure that any uncomfortable feeling does not prevent you from achieving a symmetrical piercing.

Take the needle out of the package and line it up with the dot. Look in the mirror and aim the needle straight through with no angle. Take a few breaths, and on an exhale, push it through.

Make sure you pull down to avoid poking the nostril on the other side. If you've done this correctly, you won't feel any pain. Perhaps, a little pinch. Your eyes will probably water, which is normal, but ensure your tears don't get on your supplies, gloves, or tools.

Use the sterile septum rings and hook them on the end of the needle. Pull them through and secure the jewelry. If it has balls on the end, screw them on. If not, leave it as it is.

Septum Pierced

Now that you know how to pierce your septum, you are well on your way to getting that unique aesthetic. "When it comes to choosing septum rings, there are so many styles to consider! You can go for classic studs, circular barbells, captive bead rings, or even decorative clickers. It's all about finding a style that suits your personality and complements your look."As long as you follow the guidelines to the tee, you will avoid pain, infection, and any other issues that might come up otherwise. 

If you're interested in other beauty and aesthetic topics, review our article catalog. We've written some great guides, and they're all there for you.


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