How to Use the Healing Powers of Quartz Crystals


Healing crystals come in all shapes and sizes, but none are as pristine and powerful as the clear quartz. Its beauty and simplicity are unmatched. Whether you're collecting crystals for their visual appeal or their spiritual properties, you won't go wrong by adding clear quartz to your collection.

The physical properties of quartz make it an incredibly useful material. With its hardness level of seven on the Mohs Scale, it's a durable, resilient material, resistant to chemical and mechanical wear, perfect for glassmaking. Its heat resistance and piezoelectric properties make it useful for building electronic equipment and even watches. But, when it comes to clear quartz healing properties, this gem is even more versatile.

So, let's dive deeper into quartz and see what powers this crystal boasts.

The Wide Variety of Quartz Crystals

Quartz is the most abundant mineral on earth, found in almost all corners of the world. There are quartz depositories in Arkansas, Brazil, Japan, Australia, anywhere you look.

Although most people think of clear quartz when this crystal is mentioned, it's essential to know that there's a wide variety of quartz crystals. Some of the most common ones are as follows:

  • Amethyst – the purple quartz is known for its spiritual and healing powers. It's a crystal associated with serenity, tranquillity, and wisdom. Said to have the ability to open your third eye.
  • Rose Quartz – soft pink in color, the rose quartz is believed to be the heart crystal. It's a soul healer, helping you let go of old pain and promoting emotional healing.
  • Tiger Eye – deep yellow-brown crystal, it's renowned for bringing stability and strength to the wearer. It eliminates negative energy and keeps you grounded.
  • Snow Quartz – milky white, snow quartz symbolizes innocence and clarity. Wear it to cleanse your soul and awaken your inner child.
  • Blue Quartz – translucent blue, it's a calming stone, ideal for removing negative thoughts and emotions. It's associated with serenity, peace, and creativity.

Regardless of its color or variety, quartz makes a beautiful gemstone that easily accepts a brilliant polish.

Clear Quartz in Myth and Legend

Since clear quartz is found in abundance virtually everywhere in the world, it's become a part of myth and legend in many cultures.

In ancient Greece, quartz was referred to as "krustallos," meaning icy cold. The ancient Greeks believed that the crystal was permanent ice, too cold to ever become thawed.

According to some of the creation myths in Australia and South America, the creator of life – a mighty cosmic serpent – was guided by the clear quartz. South Americans even designed clear quartz crystal skulls to expand their psychic abilities and connect with their ancestors' spirits.

In Japanese mythology, clear quartz is the white dragon's breath, symbolizing perfection, benevolence, and purity.

Ancient Egyptians used clear quartz to channel the energy coming from the planetary system, and Europeans in the middle ages used the material to create crystal balls that can predict the future.

Clear Quartz – The Master Healer

Clear quartz is often referred to as the master healer, the most powerful of all crystals. It can amplify the energy of other crystals and store, channel, and release their powers. But keep in mind that whatever energy you put into it, the clear quartz will enhance it – that includes both positive and negative energy, so it's essential to be careful when using this crystal.

Its healing energy can be beneficial during meditation or any other healing work such as aromatherapy, Reiki, sound healing, and more.

As it stores and focuses energy, clear quartz is believed to aid concentration and memory, helping you clear your mind and eliminate any distractions like negative thoughts and anxieties.

The Healing Properties of Clear Quartz

It's believed that clear quartz has an abundance of healing properties, beneficial for both your physical and mental health.

It can boost your immune system, enhance your metabolism, rid your body of toxins, and more. When infused with positive energy, clear quartz can act as your shield against negativity and make you feel more energized. As an amplifier, it can help you turn joy into heavenly bliss, affection into the purest form of love, compassion into full-fledged empathy.

It's a powerful stone with excellent potential, and it's simply up to you to make use of it.

How to Use Clear Quartz

Clear quartz can be used like any other crystal. You can carry it with you in a purse, wear it as jewelry, or place it around your home. When used as jewelry, it's best to keep it close to your head, as a hair accessory, earrings, or a necklace. This position will enhance your vision and give you a clearer perspective on life.

During meditation, place the clear quartz on your forehead and focus on its energy. It will provide you with spiritual wisdom and serenity.

Final Thoughts

Clear quartz is a powerful crystal with great potential. Infuse it with positive energy, and it will amplify it a thousandfold and bring peace and serenity into your life.

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