How to Take Care of Your Shoes

How to Take Care of Your Shoes


Getting a new pair of shoes, no matter whether they are trainers, heels, pumps or brogues, it is always a good idea to be aware of the sort of care that you can take as a way of ensuring your shoes last as long as they can. There is often no way around shoes getting the odd bit of wear and tear, maybe you wore them too often, maybe you wore them on that dog walk that you were sure would not be muddy, or maybe you just wore them in the rain even though they were suede.


Here is our list of tips and tricks that help your shoes last you the longest they can, to give your feet the support they need.


For any products mentioned or for any other shoe-related cleaning products that you might want to get to really help your shoes 'go the extra mile' and stay looking their best, go on over to


Brush up

The first tip to look after your trainers or shoes and keep them looking fresh is to start by using a brush. You want to use some form of a soft bristle brush over the entirety of the outside of the shoes to remove any dirt that has been clinging to them.


It is important to know that different brushes are recommended for different types of shoes, for example, if your shoes are suede you would need to source and buy a proper suede brush.


Wipe down

The next thing you want to do is use a microfibre towel to help remove any scuffs on the shoes. We recommend getting this type of towel over an ordinarily J-cloth, although if that is all you have available you should give that a go – it may not be as effective though.



Sometimes with lace-up shoes, a great way to make them look a bit more fresh and new is simply to get new laces. This can keep your shoes looker newer for longer and retain the support you need.


Regular cleaning

Although it can be a drag, it is really important that you remember to clean your shoes regularly. This can be a pain and we are not saying that every time you wear them you need to immediately rush home and go to your supply of shoe cleaning products and get them out to give your shoes a full clean. However, the more frequently you clean your shoes the better. Try to clean them once a month and certainly at the end of the season you were them in. If they need repairing, try taking them to a cobblers.


How to store your shoes

Part of making sure that your shoes have as long a life as possible actually comes down to the way in which you are storing them. It is a good idea to make sure they stay fresh so in order to do this we would recommend that you always keep them dry and clean and laced up.


If you want to really make sure you are doing everything you can, we would actually tell you to keep the shoes in their boxes and to use acid-free tissue paper to wrap them in.


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