A Fashionista's Guide To Longer-Lasting Leather Pairs 

Every man's footwear collection should include at least one pair of leather shoes. Due to leather's longevity, it makes complete sense to invest in them. They last longer than any other shoes you own while also being comfortable, breathable, and versatile to wear. They can be matched with any outfit, from smart casual to formal attire.  

Men who have active jobs also benefit from the robust safety protection features of leather shoes. Unfortunately, some people hesitate to invest in them due to their heftier price than other synthetic materials. They fail to realize that they can save a lot of costs on their footwear expenses as long as they apply proper shoe and leather care

Use this guide to make your leather shoes last as long as you want them to: 

  • Condition Your Leather Shoes  

Some men who fail to condition their leather shoes would find their pair being damaged over time. As your shoes get used every working day, it's natural for them to experience wear and tear. Ultimately, you need to deep condition your leather shoes at least once every few months. When using a leather conditioner, your shoes' microscopic fibers will remain supple and crack-free. This care tip doesn't require you to perform it every after wearing them. However, deep conditioning them in their specific schedule should be helpful if you want to extend your shoes' lifespan and maintain the leather quality. 

Fortunately, leather conditioner products are sold widely in the shoe industry today. You can apply the conditioner product with a clean rug or horsehair shine brush into your leather shoes. Apply as much conditioner as needed for your shoes to regain their shine. Brush it up until the surface becomes clean and smooth again. 

Whatever the design of your leather shoes is, ensure that you apply the leather conditioner in every inch and corner. This helps protect the quality of the leather surface. Don't forget to inspect your soles while performing this leather care. Your soles are also made of leather, so they need to be conditioned just as well. Finally, you can naturally leave it to dry when you're done executing the step. Place it in front of the air conditioner or electric fan, so the leftover conditioner will set to dry. Overall, you'll see how this maintenance step can improve the condition of your shoes.  

  • Polish Them   

Buying men's dress shoes can be stressful for those who hate shopping. However, you don't have to go through this process often if your current leather shoes are durable enough. Leather is very sturdy, but too much wetness or dryness can cause it to crack. Instead of ignoring the dirt accumulated into your shoes every time you wear them, make it a common practice to wipe or clean them after every use. And you may also polish it at least once a week. 

Polishing leather shoes improve the balance of moisture needed in the leather material. Shoe polishes provide external leather protection by repelling water and other particles. Find the best leather shoe polish product that fits your shoe color. They also help in hiding scratches, stains, and other imperfections on the surface. Polishes can come in cream or wax, so choose the one that works great on your leather shoes style. Always apply polish in a circular motion. Do this as often as needed, but once a week should be good enough.


  • Insert Shoe Trees When Not In Use  

When your shoes are not in use, make it a good practice to insert shoe trees inside them. Clean your leather shoes with a microfiber cloth first and insert the shoe trees next. Although leather comes in a well-formed shape, it might lose its form without support. Leather trees act as the shape support. Additionally, they vacuum all the moisture left inside the shoes.  

An insert shaped like a human foot is called a shoe tree. You can buy them from shoe boutiques and online stores. Find shoe trees that are made of absorbent materials like cedar so they can remove odor, moisture, mold, and other bacterial elements. This allows you to continue using your leather shoes in pristine and hygienic conditions.  

  • Consider Weather-Proofing It  

If you wear your leather shoes in a place where the weather is constantly changing, it would be beneficial to weatherproof your high-quality shoes. There are various ways to weatherproof them. One way is to use a beeswax product. Weatherproofing products provide a good seal with beeswax. Some stores sell this, and you can apply them easily to your leather shoes. Apply the beeswax to a clean rag and use them in circular strokes. Do this before every season changes.  

Another weatherproofing method is to go for waterproofing aerosol sprays. Some products protect your shoes from water and other weather changes. However, note that they don't entirely repel water from your shoes. What it does is renew the water-repellent properties. If your shoes are more sensitive, avoiding wearing them in extreme weather would be best. Spraying this waterproof aerosol can be done by yourself, but take care and ensure to do it in a ventilated area as this can be intense and dangerous for the lungs. Follow the instructions on the label, and let your shoes dry after spraying.  


Caring for your most precious leather shoes doesn't necessarily require stressful steps. With this  guide, the best care practices are actually simple to perform. Make it a habit to condition your shoes, polish them as often as necessary, weatherproof them if you wish, and use shoe trees to remove elements and bacterial properties. 

By following these doable tips, you'll surely lengthen the lifespan of your leather shoes. 


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