Diamond Engagement Rings 101: How To Find Your Perfect Ring

Diamond Engagement Rings 101: How To Find Your Perfect Ring

Diamond engagement rings are worn to symbolize the commitment to your partner that you already have plans in marrying soon. And in some cases, a diamond engagement ring is also used as a status symbol – the bigger the stone is, the wealthier you are.


With the number of diamond engagement rings available in the market today, do you know what to buy for your partner? Do you have any idea what factors to consider when buying one? Regardless of the style preference and budget of your partner, you can easily buy a diamond engagement ring from any jeweler or even jewelry websites online.


To ensure that you'll end up finding the perfect diamond engagement ring for your partner, take note of the following tips:


  1. Don't panic.


Bending on one knee and proposing to your partner can be nerve-wracking. You might feel pressured thinking that your partner has been waiting for this moment all her life – next to the wedding, of course.


Before heading out to look for the perfect diamond engagement ring for your partner, take a deep breath, and don't panic. Pressure can come from different things. But remember, this is between you and your partner only. Learn to be calm and only focus on the task at hand, that is, buying diamond rings.


  1. Think of her style.


Just like women's footwear, diamond engagement rings can come in a wide variety of styles and designs. You can always buy a diamond engagement ring which is classic and timeless or one which has new aesthetics.


To help you narrow down your search, think about her style. It's safe to assume that you have been together for a couple of months or years, which is why you probably know her preferences. You can start by asking yourself these questions:


  • Does your partner like small and delicate jewelry?
  • Does she like to wear pieces of jewelry that can be a showstopper or has subtle designs?
  • Does the size of the stone matter?


When you already have answers to these questions, it'll be easier for you to cross off several options from your list.


  1. Figure out your budget.


Money is an important consideration when you're out finding the perfect diamond engagement ring for your partner. Ideally, you shouldn't go all out in buying an engagement ring because you'll still have to plan for your wedding and marriage. You don't want to pay for a single diamond engagement ring for the next 10 to 15 years, right?


Figure out your budget and make sure that you stick to it when you're buying a diamond engagement ring. No matter how tempting it can be, you should strive to work on your budget and never go overboard.


  1. Do your research.


Now that you know what kind of diamond engagement ring you should look for, and how much are you willing to spend for it, do your own research. You can do this by browsing through different websites online or visiting different jewelry shops in your area. If you know someone who bought diamond engagement rings in the past, ask for their recommendations. Your friends or family might have recently proposed to their partner, so ask for their help.


While you're at it, don't forget to check the reviews of a jeweler before buying. This is important, especially if you're planning to buy online. Since you won't be able to check the ring personally before buying, the reviews from previous customers can be a deciding factor.


  1. Consider the current trends.


Gone are the days when diamond engagement rings look the same. Today, you can buy diamond engagement rings which come in different bands, cuts, and shapes. If your partner likes wearing anything that's new and unique, consider checking the following trends:


  • Twisting silhouettes
  • Vintage inspired details
  • Fancy cuts
  • Mixed gold settings


  1. Think about customized jewelry.


Choosing a diamond engagement ring in the market can be tough, but you don't have to go through this challenge. If you're looking for a diamond engagement ring that won't require you to visit different jewelry shops in your area, have the ring customized. A customized diamond engagement ring will surely fit the style of your partner. However, be ready to prepare for a bigger budget as customized rings can be expensive.


Long-Term Commitment


If you want your partner to use the diamond engagement ring for the longest time possible, make sure that she also exerts time and effort in taking care of it. With the right cleaning tools, she should know how to clean her engagement ring as often as needed. Remember, she'll be wearing this piece of jewelry for life – so she should work on making her engagement ring look good all the time.

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