A Brief Guide To Storing Winter Clothes During The Summer

When the weather is chilly, you will need thick protective clothing such as raincoats and thick jumpers. But when the weather is nicer, you will turn to thinner clothes that can keep you cool. Unfortunately, your winter clothes can take up a lot of space in your room, which can be quite frustrating. 

This brief guide contains plenty of tips for storing winter clothes so that you can keep your closet as organized as possible. It will teach you how to properly store your winter clothes during the summer.

  • Get Rid Of Clothes You Don't Wear

Before you start preparing your winter clothes for storage, you should get rid of any items you don't wear. After all, there is little point in putting time and effort into storing clothes that you won't wear anymore.

If these clothes are of good quality, you could donate them to charity. Alternatively, you can sell them online to earn some extra cash. If your clothes are in poor condition, it is best to simply dispose of them.

  • Use Sealed Storage Solutions

When you are ready to pack your winter clothes away in preparation for the summer, it is an incredible idea to use storage solutions. These utensils will help to protect your garments from mildew or dust. 

If you wish to save extra space, it's recommended that you check out vacuum-sealed clothing storage solutions. Just bear in mind that vacuum-packing is not ideal for all clothes, as it can ruin certain materials. 

  • Wash Everything First

Before you can start considering how you are going to store your winter clothes, it is advised that you wash them thoroughly. Even if your garments do not appear dirty, a good clean will ensure that your clothes are as fresh as possible. This way, they are ready for when the weather turns chilly.

  • Utilize Moth Repellents

Pests, such as moths, can be a real problem for your clothes. This is because moths will be attracted by the warmth and comfort of your winter clothing, where they may lay eggs that will hatch into larvae. The larvae will then feed on natural fabrics, such as wool or silk.

To protect your winter clothing from these pests, it is recommended that you invest in moth repellents. Many lavender-based solutions are superb at keeping moths at bay. To further protect valuable winter clothing from moths, you should ensure that your garments are covered. 

  • Fold Sweaters And Winter Coats

Another great way of saving space when storing your winter attire is to consider folding it. In particular, you should consider folding your sweaters. This is because sweaters do not always retain their shape when being placed on a hanger. 

If you are intent on using a hanger for your sweaters, it is essential to consider the material of the hanger. Wooden hangers will work best when it comes to sweaters.

Likewise, you should consider folding your winter coats and jackets. When you do this, it is best to fold your clothes as neatly as possible.

  • Use Tissue Paper For Delicate Clothes

If you have delicate clothes that you want to store for the winter, it is advised that you neatly wrap them in tissue paper. Be sure to use acid-free tissue paper to protect these garments as best as possible.

  • Hang Clothes With Garment Bags

Made from durable materials, garment bags are designed as a method of storing clothes. These bags will not only protect your clothing but can also help to remove wrinkles when you hang the clothes. These garment bags will be especially well suited to formal attire, such as suits. 

  • Think About Storage Locations

Last but not least, you need to carefully consider where you are going to put these winter clothes. The best location will depend on the layout of your home.

Many people make the common mistake of putting their clothes in the garage or basement. Unfortunately, these locations typically gather moisture. If these locations in your home attract too much moisture, you should refrain from putting clothes here to prevent them from becoming damp. 

Generally, it is advised that you store your winter clothes in a dry and cool location. For instance, you can put these clothes in a spare closet.

Final Thoughts

Moving your winter clothes out of your closet is a fantastic idea if you want to make more space for your summer clothing. This will not only help you to feel organized but will also make room for more appropriate clothing. By using these terrific techniques, you can ensure that your clothes are ready for the next winter.

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