7 Secrets To Moisturized Lips All Day Long 

Dry, cracked, and chapped lips are unattractive and can be a major turn-off. They say a lot about a person's state of health, their hygiene practices, and how they care for themselves. Not even the most expensive branded lipstick can cover up the flaws of unhealthy and dry lips. 

The lips are the most alluring part of the face. But it's also one of the most delicate and sensitive. Changes in the weather, dehydration, harsh beauty products, and certain medications can make the lips crack, dry, or chap.

You can easily avoid this problem by following a few tips and tricks, including using natural lip oil. This post will reveal six secrets to maintaining soft, supple, and kissable lips to make your lips look healthy, flaunt your beautiful smile, and help you flawlessly apply that glorious shade of red lipstick.

  • Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is one of the main reasons for dry and cracked lips. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily keeps your lips moisturized and healthy. Water is crucial for flushing out toxins in the body. It helps promote proper blood circulation, promoting healthy cell turnover for a more supple and naturally pinkish lip. So, whenever you feel thirsty, grab a glass of water and drink your fill.

  • Exfoliate Regularly

The dryness and flakiness on your lips are caused by dead skin cells. If you don't remove them, they will accumulate and become itchy, and when you try to pull them out, they might bleed and cause unsightly scars. 

It would be best to exfoliate at least once or twice a week to eliminate dead skin cells on your lips. You can buy a lip scrub. But you can also make your own using simple ingredients like sugar, honey, and coconut oil. 

But remember to exfoliate gently by using a light circular motion on your lips and rinsing with warm water. Also, try not to over-exfoliate, which leads to irritation and further dryness. 

  • Use Lip Balm

Lip balms will instantly moisturize and are a great product to use after exfoliating, as they will seal the softness of your lips. Lip balms have natural ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, or cocoa butter. They will provide a moisture barrier to prevent your lips from drying out. 

Choose a good lip balm that does not contain harsh chemicals like parabens and synthetic fragrances. Try to stay away from those with menthol. Though they may feel cool on the lips, they can dry and irritate, especially if you have sensitive skin

  • Try A Lip Mask

If you want intense hydration and nourishment for your lips, a good lip mask at least once or twice a week would be beneficial. Lip masks are easy to use; apply them, wait a few minutes, and gently wipe them off with a tissue.

Lip masks are effective because they contain hydrating and nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and plant oils, which work together to penetrate deeply into the skin and provide long-lasting hydration.

  • Protect Your Lips From UV Rays

The sun's UV rays can be very damaging to the lips and may even cause skin cancer. Wear protection like a wide-brimmed hat and an umbrella whenever you go out in the sun. It will also help to wear a lip balm with at least SPF 30 whenever you're outside.

  • Avoid Licking Your Lips

Did you know that when you constantly lick your lips, you're unnecessarily removing the natural oils from the surface, causing your lips to get dry and chapped? That's because saliva contains enzymes that can break down the delicate skin on your lips, causing it to get dry and irritated. So, while licking your lips may provide temporary relief and make you cute and coy, you're not doing your lips a favor.

  • Stay Away From Certain Foods And Beverages

Some foods can cause dryness and irritation on your lips:

  • Spicy foods: Those that contain hot peppers, chili, curry, and salsa  
  • Acidic foods: Citrus fruits, tomatoes, pineapples, and kiwis  
  • Salty foods: Cured meats and junk foods  
  • Caffeine: Caffeine is a diuretic that causes the body to lose water  
  • Alcohol: Same as caffeine, alcohol is also a diuretic  

You don't have to avoid these foods and beverages altogether but take them in moderation. And when you eat them, try to counterbalance them with foods high in water content, like cucumber, watermelon, and berries. And drink plenty of water.   


Moisturized and healthy lips are a sign of good health. Follow the tips this post mentioned, and you can radiate confidence and beauty. You don't even have to wear any lipstick to show it. A bare-faced lip and a beautiful smile will be enough.


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