How do you become a top model? – Tips for beginners


Hands up who has never wanted to be a model? Probably almost all girls have had this dream at some point. Most of them then quickly discarded it and learned "something decent" on the recommendation of their parents, while others actually embarked on a brilliant career. And very few have made it onto the cover of Vogue or Harper's Bazaar.

What does it take to become a top model?

If you want to become a model and make it internationally, you need a great face and the right figure. Today, that no longer means a straight nose, finely plucked eyebrows and a waist that you can encircle with two hands. Charisma is much more important. And discipline. That's a basic prerequisite for getting through long days at work with a beaming smile and not letting any of the star airs and graces that only Naomi Campbell is allowed get through. If you're just starting out on your modeling career showing such character traits, you can quickly give it up again.

What are the requirements for becoming a model?

Let's start with the obvious: the figure. Anyone who wants to become a model but does not conform to the common ideal of beauty can still be successful in today's world. Recent developments in the fashion industry have shown us how diverse beauty can be: with a few more curves, with pigmentation spots, with any skin color and origin anyway. But there are still a couple of requirements.

  • What are the correct model dimensions?
  • How tall do you have to be?
  • Which character traits gain extra points?
  • Why do you need a model agency?
  • How do you find a model agency?
  • How do you know if the agency is reputable?


What are the correct model dimensions?

90-60-90 used to be a good guideline and is no longer. The "curvy" figure, as it was known in the past, is no longer considered the measure of all things in the majority of modeling jobs. In fact, girls have lost a lot of their girth over the last 20 years. Now, the ideal measurements of a model are 86-60-89 or below. If you want to become a classic catwalk model, you have to follow this benchmark. That sounds thin on a woman of just under 1.80. That's why designers and model agencies have often been confronted with the criticism of models who are too thin in the past. Back then, "skinny models" shaped the image of the industry. This critical development has prompted some countries to enact new laws. In France, for example, every model has had to produce a medical certificate showing a BMI (body mass index) of at least 18 since 2017. Any agency, designer, or magazine that hires a model who is below this limit is liable to prosecution and can face fines or imprisonment. Similar rules apply in Spain and Israel. In Italy, agencies voluntarily commit to a BMI of at least 18.5. Germany, too, had at times in the past laid down guidelines as part of the "National Charter of the German Textile and Fashion Industry". In this way, the countries are sending a signal to all young women who want to become models: Health is a prerequisite for this job.

How tall do you have to be?

"You're so tall, you should be a model!" What was true years ago is still part of the requirement to become a model today. If you want to work as a model, you should be at least 1.75 meters tall. As diverse as the industry has become in recent years: the rules regarding dress size have been lifted many times, those for body size have not yet.

Which character traits gain extra points?

If you want to work as a model, you should have an open and friendly character. Discipline, endurance, willingness to travel and flexibility are other important qualities of a model. In order to work internationally as a model, basic English skills are also essential – the more fluent, the better.

Why do you need a model agency?

A professional model agency works as a service provider and mediates between the model and clients. Those models who got the really good jobs were usually cast from an agency. The agency not only helps the models to land new jobs, but also takes over the entire management. A model agency organizes appointments for shoots and handles the billing for individual jobs. A model booker handles all communication with the customer. This person serves as the contact person for the model and the brand.

How do you find a model agency?

If you want to become a model, you can be discovered by chance like the German model Toni Garrn or you can apply to model agencies on your own initiative. It is best to apply only to reputable agencies: top agencies such as DNA Models, Elite Models, Ford Models, ICONIC Management, IMG Models, One Management, Next Models, Wilhelmina Models work on an international level. German agencies such as PMA Models, Louisa Models, Modelwerk or PARS Management also work with well-known brands worldwide. A model agency can also act as a parent agency for certain models. This means an exclusive contract between the agency and the model. If the model wants to be listed with other agencies as well, she has to get the approval of the mother agency. However, the parent agency invests a lot in its up-and-coming models and tries to position them, especially internationally. Castings and Go & Sees are part of the daily routine. Special training such as catwalk training can also be offered to the model by a parent agency.

How do you know if the agency is reputable?

A reputable model agency will not charge for inclusion in their model roster. Quite the contrary. Many agencies will charge in advance if they believe in a model's potential, arrange test shoots and create initial images for a sedcard and model book. Serious model agencies earn their money through an administration or management commission and a placement commission and thus only after the respective model has had her first jobs. As a rule, this is up to 25 percent.

Conclusion – The first steps as a model

To become a model, good looks aren't enough – although that's probably the best place to start. The fewest models are discovered on the street. Although scouts are always discovering newcomers, the probability of being in the same place at the same time with exactly that person is dwindling. Passivity is not the right strategy on the way to becoming an international model. Instead, every young woman who wants to become a model should actively approach model agencies and apply.








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