5 Smart Hair Care Tips To Follow This Summer Season

5 Smart Hair Care Tips To Follow This Summer Season

Summer is officially upon us and with it comes humidity and heat. While we're all used to prioritizing skincare throughout the season, many of us overlook caring for our hair. We all know the sun can be damaging, and the heat can make our skin oily – there is always an arsenal of products ready to tackle these problems. But do you know your hair is just as much at risk as your skin?

From swimming pool water to sun damage, there's a whole list of things to think about when caring for your hair in the summer. Many aspects of our summertime routine can harm our hair without us even realizing it. By following these simple hair care tips, you can make sure your hair stays safe and healthy through the summer months.

Covering Your Hair

The sun's harmful rays don't just stop at your skin! Your hair is prone to just as much damage if you leave it exposed to the sun for too long. For instance, it can become dry and fade out. If you have your hair colored, you'll find the pigment looking dull and lackluster with too much UV exposure. Fortunately, the fix is simple: Use a floppy hat or a scarf to keep your hair covered from the sun, and save all your favorite summer hairstyles for nighttime events instead.

Skip the Heat

Summers are hot enough on their own; why add even more heat to the mix? If you've been flat ironing and blow-drying your hair regularly through the colder months, it's time to slow down now. During the summer, give your hair a break and embrace its natural texture. Save the heating tools for special occasions only. If you overheat your hair, it will start losing moisture and begin to frizz. Without using heat tools, you'll be better able to help your hair retain its much-needed moisture.

Wash Less

Getting sweaty in the summer is guaranteed, and while it can be bothersome for your hair to get greasy even after you've just washed it, washing it too frequently is never a good idea. When you shampoo your hair too frequently, you rid the strands of all the necessary oils needed for them to stay healthy and soft.

Instead, find a dry shampoo with a good herbal formula that can keep your hair looking fresh without having to wash it. And, if your hair is extra oily, look for a conditioning shampoo. These products don't lather much, and thus, do not take away as much of the moisture as your regular shampoo would.

Choose Loose Hairstyles

It can be tempting to tie your hair back in a tight ponytail or a bun to keep the stray strands out of your face, especially in the sweltering heat. Unfortunately, while it is a temporary solution, it can have adverse effects on your hair.

With all the heat and humidity of summer, your hair becomes brittle and fragile this time of year. Tying your hair back in tighter hairstyles can cause your strands to break, especially if your hair is dry. Go for loose, more comfortable hairstyles instead. Not only will they capture your summer vibe perfectly, but they can also help you control the frizz and keep the hair off your neck so you can stay cool.

If you want to protect your hair and look chic, you might also consider wearing hair extensions. With their extra volume and length, you can arrange them into different styles without having to worry about your hair being damaged by the summer heat.

Avoid Swimmer's Hair

A trip to the pool is practically a necessity during the summer. After all, who doesn't want to escape from the brutal heat and go for a refreshing, relaxing swim? Unfortunately, pool water is not your hair's friend. The chlorine in the water is a drying agent. Thus, it can cause your hair to become broken and brittle if you spend too much time in the pool.

Ideally, you'd want to protect your hair with a swimming cap or a haircare mask. But if you don't have these on hand, make sure to wet your hair before you take a dip into the water so that it absorbs as little chlorine as possible. Also, drink water often as well, since dry hair can be a sign of dehydration.

It's easy to forget about your hair and focus on having fun, but if you want to keep it nice and healthy through the summer months, you have to do more than just skip the straighteners. By following these tips and giving your hair a breather, you can be sure to keep it healthy and damage-free through the summer season and beyond.

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