3 Summer Skincare Tips to Keep In Mind for Your Next Beach Day

When the skies are blue and the sun is shining bright, it seems like a waste of time to spend your days indoors, and that's probably why summertime brings with it a world of outdoor adventures and trips, especially to the beach. Planning a beach day with your loved ones is the perfect time to relax and unwind from your different tasks and responsibilities, but it's important to enjoy the sand and ocean as safely as possible.


Here are some skincare tips to remember the next time you head over to the beach!

Always Wear Sunscreen

While sunscreen is a non-negotiable part of every skincare routine all year round, it's especially important during the summer months when the sun gets hotter and more intense. In case you didn't know, the sun has some harmful ultraviolet rays that can do some serious damage to your skin, which is why it's extremely crucial to make sure that you're protecting yourself to the best of your ability.


Sunscreen is the most popular form of sun protection out there because of its convenience, and it's going to be your beach buddy for your next trip. Before heading to the ocean, make sure to generously apply a layer of sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30, as well as broad spectrum coverage, as this ensures the best protection against both UVA and UVB sun damage. 


Apart from the initial application all over your body, make sure to diligently reapply another layer every two hours as things like sweat, oil, and friction can compromise the protective layer your sunscreen has made. 


And when you're going in for a dip in the water, make sure to also apply another layer of sunscreen after toweling yourself dry. While some sunscreens will have an impressive water resistance, this usually just lasts for a couple of hours max, so it's best to not rely on this too much.

Stay Under the Shade

Another great way to lessen the amount of sun damage to your skin is by seeking shade as much as possible. This can be anything from the shade of an umbrella or a beach tent to even just wearing a wide-brimmed hat or some sunglasses. You can also choose to wear a lightweight cover up that can shield your body from direct sun exposure.


Not only will this lessen the amount of UV rays that your skin comes into contact with, but it also lessens your chances of getting a wide range of skin concerns and issues like sunburns, sun rashes, skin inflammation and irritation, hyperpigmentation, and more. Should you get a nasty sunburn from the beach, you can treat this with some aloe vera gel, cucumber slices, or a cold compress as these will remove any discomfort or inflammation and promote healing.

Stay Hydrated

When you're spending hours and hours under the hot sun, you'll find that your body produces much more sweat as a way to cool itself down, but this increased perspiration actually depletes your hydration levels and puts you at a higher risk of dehydration. Your body is made up of approximately 60% water and needs sufficient water to maintain bodily functions and keep skin looking clear and glowy, so make sure that you're taking a chug or two often.


And when you're on the beach, exposure to saltwater can also remove the water from your body. Make sure to bring a stainless steel water bottle with you to your beach day as this will keep your water cool and refreshing for the whole day despite spending hours in the heat. You can also bring some sliced fruits and vegetables with high water content like cucumbers, apples, oranges, strawberries, and more as these can also help hydrate your body.


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