A Skincare Beginner’s Guide To Achieving A Healthy Skin Complexion  

A Skincare Beginner’s Guide To Achieving A Healthy Skin Complexion  


Skincare is an essential daily routine that you should continue to practice if you want your skin to look fresh and youthful. Apart from having soft and supple skin, you’ll also get to enjoy how clear your skin is, along with postponing any signs of aging.   

As days go by, the knowledge for the right skincare routine is getting more comprehensive and accessible for everyone. Taking good care of your skin is no longer a luxury but a necessity anyone could have inside their home. You might even hear of using an exfoliating toner to have clear-looking skin, but that doesn’t just stop there.  

Moreover, below are the skincare beginner’s guide to achieving a healthy skin complexion:


Know Your Skin Type 

Before purchasing any skincare products, you should first identify your skin type to ensure to get the right ingredients for your skin. It would only make your skin oilier if you have oily skin and purchase a hydrating skin product, making your situation worse.   

To know your skin type, you can quickly thoroughly look at yourself in the mirror, observe your skin condition. If your skin tends to be flaky and dull, you might have a dry skin type; if you notice that it’s shinier and a bit greasy with a hint of larger pores, you could have an oily skin type. However, if you see that its oiliness is only present on your forehead and nose, and the rest of your face looks flaky or dull, you could have a combination skin type.

Wash Your Face Daily  

To achieve a healthy skin complexion, make sure to wash your face daily to remove any dirt and impurities you might have lying around your skin. Ideally, wash your face twice a day, one after you shower in the morning and one before hitting the bed. In this way, you can ensure that your face can have a clean canvas before applying any makeup and allow your skin to breathe as you sleep at night.   

When washing your face, use a gentle cleanser that can effectively clean out any dirt on your skin without removing a layer of it. As you purchase a skin cleanser, look for ones that are appropriate for your skin type. They could provide hydration, calming, or pimple-fighting effects, which can help to make your skin better with one wash at a time.


Don’t Forget To Moisturize 

As you do your skincare routine, you should never forget to moisturize. Despite having oily skin, it’s an important skin routine step that you should never miss.   

When applying your toner, essence, serum, face mask, you should seal everything off with a moisturizer to ensure that you provide your skin with enough hydration, especially after exfoliation. When you apply other skincare products, you’re stripping away the moisture from your skin, which could make it drier or oilier.   

Your skin is producing natural oils. If your pores notice that your skin doesn’t have enough moisture, it will produce more oil, making your skin greasier during the day. With that, you should always cap off your routine with a good moisturizer.  

Always Apply A Sunscreen 

While some people might frown upon the idea of putting sunscreen as they’re usually thick and heavy on the skin, there are products out there that could feel lightweight while protecting your skin. The harmful rays of the sun can cause damage to your skin which can cause it to darken or speed up the process of skin aging. With that, applying sunscreen is necessary for your morning skincare routine.   

Ideally, look for a sunscreen that can provide Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB) protection. The higher the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) sunscreen can provide, the better. Just ensure that you reapply your sunscreen as stated on the instructions manual to ensure that you’re getting protection all day long.  

When looking for best sunscreen for the face, it’s ideal to choose one that provides broad-spectrum protection against both Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays

Don’t Forget To Sleep And Hydrate 

No matter how many skincare products you apply to your skin, if you don’t take good care of your body, you might not achieve a healthy skin complexion. One of the easiest and holistic approaches you could implement is getting enough quality sleep and hydrating your body during the day.   

Ideally, getting seven to nine hours of sleep daily along with drinking eight to nine cups of water a day. It will help replenish your body and give it enough time to recover and heal any diseases or impurities you might have. Along this way, enough sleep and hydration can also improve your overall health.   


Having a healthy skincare complexion is everyone’s dream. While it’s not a one-day process, the care you need to do might be tiring, but it will help to provide you with extraordinary results. Just ensure that you follow your skincare routine regularly and take care of your body for a holistic development. To top it all off, it’s important that you know your skin type to look for the right ingredients that your skin needs.