5 Reasons Why Vinyl Is Better Than Digital

Over the years the music industry has changed quite a lot. First, it started with vinyl and then turned digital. However, in recent years vinyl has made a comeback and is increasing in popularity. There are also amazing gifts for vinyl lovers nowadays, to help showcase your love for vinyl records.

For a lot of people, vinyl is much better and creates a far superior listening experience than digital music. However, if you still aren’t sure, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, we will discuss the top 5 reasons why vinyl is better than digital music. 

Far Superior Sound Quality

Emile Berliner invented the phonograph and the original vinyl record in 1887. Records themselves haven’t altered much, despite advances in sound reproduction technology, and for good reason. This is because you receive a better sound.

Vinyl provides an analog sound that vibrates and produces a warm sound that is unique to vinyl. With a lossless version that isn’t overly compressed, the music and voices sound more like how musicians sound in person. 

Additionally, the majority of songs have stronger dynamics than CD or digital versions. Allowing you to experience more of the dynamic range.

It Is An Immersive Experience 

The experience is one thing that unquestionably makes vinyl different in the best way. With digital music, all it takes is a click or a tap on a computer screen. Yet when you listen to a record on vinyl, you get to experience taking it out of its sleeve, putting it on the turntable, and placing the needle in the groove. Followed by hearing that unmistakable crackling.

In this process, listening to music becomes your primary activity rather than something you do while carrying out other chores. As a result, you can relax and lose yourself in another universe while listening to your favorite music.

You Always Have Access To The Music

You can download entire albums to your phone or computer and keep a library of mp3s at all times. However, it isn’t the same as having a vinyl record collection. 

With vinyl, you won’t have to be concerned about accidentally deleting (or corrupting) files. You also don’t have to fret about your favorite artist or record no longer being available on your favorite streaming service. 

For example in 2014, Taylor Swift’s management removed her songs. This was due to a royalties dispute with Spotify. Thus, her fans had to go without her music on that platform for almost three years. 

You’ll constantly have access to the music you love if you possess a record. The best part is that you only have to pay for it once rather than on a monthly service basis.

Vinyl Is An Investment 

At some point, your music taste may change and this is completely normal. It is worth noting that the resale worth of your vinyl never changes or changes very little. This makes buying records a wise investment, especially now that we have had the means to listen to them for so long.

Don’t discard any vintage vinyl recordings from the 1940s and 1950s that you may have inherited from your grandparents. Instead, you may either sell them for a sizable sum of money or, even better, listen to them.

Vinyl Culture

Digital music is quite easy to get a hold of, but there is something special about going to your local record shop and browsing through all the records they have. Digital music is all about data and recommending artists the algorithm thinks you’ll like because you listened to a certain artist.

Whereas if you go to a record shop, you can speak with another audiophile who may be able to suggest other artists and albums that the digital algorithm may never consider. Thus, by buying vinyl you are part of a culture that dates back many years.

Final Thoughts

Vinyl has been a popular way to listen to music since it first emerged in the 1930s. While digital music has become a lot easier and more accessible, that hasn’t stopped the popularity of vinyl. 


There are a lot of reasons why vinyl is far better than digital. This includes better sound quality and a more hands-on experience that you get to partake in. You physically own the album, and you only have to pay for it once. 


We hope this article has been helpful. We have provided you with the top 5 reasons why vinyl is better than digital.