Effective Tips To Have Curly Hair Every Day Of The Year

Since humanity began people have had curly hair. It’s completely natural for many people and is mentioned throughout history. However, many western cultures identified curly hair with people of colour, making people with it inferior!

In fact, during the 1700s and 1800s, it was common, for women to brush their hair in order to make it curly. Anyone with naturally curly hair was still seen as inferior. Sadly, it has only been in the last 20-30 years that curly hair, in all its forms, has really been accepted as a stunning hairstyle in its own right.

However, having curly hair is challenging. You need to look after it every day to ensure it looks its best. Fortunately, the following tips will help you to keep your curls looking good every day.

Get The Right Tools

The first step is to look at how you are preparing your curls. It’s worth trying out these GHD curling tongs and wands. You’ll find it hard to locate a product that is so easy to use and effective at creating curls.

A good curling tong can be used daily or as often as needed to help maintain your curls.

Avoid Washing!

If you wash your hair every day then you’ll struggle with this. But, when you first have your straight hair curled, you must avoid washing it for at least three days.

During this time the curls set into position, ensuring they last much longer. Washing straightens your hair and shampoos may remove the curling products. It’s important to wait three days before washing your hair.

Choose The Right Towel

Standard towels are surprisingly harsh on your hair. Instead, when you need to dry your hair, use paper towels or a microfibre towel. These can be gently placed on your head to absorb excess water. This will prevent you from damaging your curls and maintain your style. It’s important not to rub your wet hair when drying. Just let the towel absorb the moisture.

Wash Upside Down

The most effective way to shampoo your hair is in the shower with your head upside down. This allows your chosen product to get into all your hair strands. You can then put your head the right way up to rinse and this will encourage all products out of your hair. Simultaneously, it will keep your curls pointing the right way.

Air Drying

Whenever possible, it is best to let your hair dry naturally. Of course, there are times when you don’t have the time for natural drying. That’s when you need to use a heated curling brush with an adjustable heat setting. Keep the heat as low as possible to avoid damaging your hair and the curling action will help to ensure your hair looks great every day.

Mask It

You’ll also find it helpful to use a mask on your hair once a week. You can make your own with avocado and olive oil. Remove the pip and peel of the avocado before grinding and mixing it with olive oil. Put it on your hair for approximately 20 minutes and then rinse it out.

It will do wonders for your hair and your curls.