Five items of clothing you shouldn’t skimp on



Shopping for clothes can be an expensive undertaking. After all, you need items that are suitable for all different temperatures and weather conditions, as well as pieces for work, lounging around at home, going out, and everything in between. That’s without even considering accessories! For those of us with modest budgets, it can be tricky to know what to prioritize and what to try and make do without. One option is to attempt to maximize your wardrobe by purchasing lots of cheap items of clothing. The difficulty with this plan is that those clothes inevitably don’t last as long.


So how do you know when to save and when to splurge? In some cases, it will depend on your personal preferences and life circumstances, such as what you do for a job and where you live. For example, your winter wardrobe needs will be very different if you live in LA compared to Toronto! However, there are some general guidelines that can help you work out which sorts of clothing items you shouldn’t be skimping on. Here are five top examples.


1. Work blazer

If you work in a professional office that has a dress code, a high-quality blazer is a must. It’s important to make a good impression in the workplace, especially if you deal with clients face to face. Having a decent blazer to wear to important meetings will mark you out as someone who cares about their career. This can be particularly important for women who look young and feel as though they are not taken seriously at the office, because it helps you to achieve more of an executive look. You can get many clothes tailored to fit your body and it’s normally not expensive to do either!


2. Underwear

It might be true that not many people apart from you will be seeing your underwear; however, that doesn’t mean you should skimp on it! Bras in particular are important to choose based on quality rather than price, because a poorly made one can actually result in health problems such as back pain, bad posture, and chafing. This is especially important for women with larger cup sizes, and as such, you should always opt for high quality plus-size or bbw lingerie to ensure the best fit. That’s not to say that all of your underwear must be expensive – it’s fine to stock up on cheap panties and socks! 


3. Coat

Outerwear is an important consideration, especially if you live in a location that sees a lot of rain or cold weather. Investing in a top-quality coat that keeps out the wind and ensures you stay dry will make a huge difference to your mood on dreary days. Not only that, but it will also protect all the clothes that you’re wearing underneath too. If possible, choose a versatile style that you can use on both workdays and weekends. For those who live in a city where weather isn’t so much of a concern, a top-quality jacket will serve you just as well.


4. A little black dress

It’s easy to get carried away with buying a new outfit for every occasion, however there are some items of clothing that are versatile enough to suit all sorts of events. The most iconic of these is of course the little black dress. By mixing up the accessories and shoes you pair it with, a black dress can be suitable for anything from a work event to a date or a party. That’s why you don’t want to opt for a cheap one. Making the investment in a top-quality black dress that truly suits your figure will pay dividends in the long run.


5. Shoes

Work shoes, sneakers or high heels for a night out – skimping on shoes is rarely a good idea. Not only do they have to cope with the elements and general wear and tear more than other items of clothing, but they can also cause you foot pain if they are poorly made. Choose pairs that are crafted from good quality materials and fit you well – your feet will definitely thank you for it!


Where to save…

So now that we’ve covered some of the main items of clothing you shouldn’t skimp on, let’s have a quick rundown of some pieces that you can pick up for cheap without worry. White shirts never last long so feel free to buy those at low cost, as well as basic tops and t-shirts that look the same no matter how much you spend on them. Similarly, clothes you intend to wear on nights out with little chance of being worn again can also be picked up cheaply – at least then you won’t worry too much if you spill anything on them!