8 Ways Confidence Transforms Your Fashion Statement

When you think about the people you know who seem to radiate, glow, and look so good effortlessly, no matter what they are wearing, what is the first characteristic that comes to mind? The clothes they are wearing? The brands? The colors perhaps? Or maybe is it something else, some attribute that has nothing to do with the clothing or its price, but something about the person themselves, a quality they possess? You know the saying “Confidence is key”? That is absolutely true when it comes to fashion, confidence does half the work for you, and here you will find a few ways how confidence can transform your look and your fashion without your wardrobe seeing any massive overhauls. 


We have access to certain luxuries that we previously never could have imagined. There are certain things you can do to “fix” some flaws that may have bothered you your whole life, and with the help of something like these cosmetic injectables in Brisbane you might feel a heavy load taken off your chest. You can’t understate how much difference such a small change can make on your mental strength, and how much more confident it can make you. 

Power Posing

Wearing the right clothes that help you feel comfortable and confident will help push you up psychologically. This is where “power posing” can come in, brief postural adjustments that have been studied for a while now, and can help produce positive behavioral, psychological, and hormonal effects, in all sorts of different situations like presentations, job interviews, and important meetings. You can see power posing as a sort of extension or symptom of confidence. You feel naturally at ease and your posture mirrors that, so instead of sitting hunched forward, shoulders up high, almost like you are defending yourself from an unseen threat, you lean back, open up your chest, and look flexible and at ease. People immediately notice that kind of aura, consciously or subconsciously.


Accessories further help your fashion statement. Whether you are a man or woman, accessories are a fantastic way to really personalize your look. Jewelry is one of those accessories. If you are a woman, you can wear pretty much whatever you want and it’ll fit, whether it is a plain gold ring or necklace, or something much more specific like a locket with the names or pictures of loved ones; does not matter, it will work out. For men, it can be a little trickier. Technically they can wear whatever they want, but depending on the country or city or what have you, there are certainly unspoken rules about what works for a man and what does not. However, you can rarely go wrong with some rings or bracelets, especially if they are silver or steel and look vaguely serious or military. 


Handbags are a woman’s most immediately visible fashion accessory, an item that is both functional and symbolic, an expression of personal style while also being a fashion statement. Every woman you know likely has a collection of them, organized by color or brand or size or something else, sometimes a handbag for every outfit or day of the week. From Chanel to Louis Vuitton, to Prada, to Gucci, some icons dominate the market, their bags conveying status even though they often have no visible identification, which means they don’t have logos or monograms on them, and yet they are always recognizable. 



Well-Fitting Threads

Your clothes must fit you, not only in terms of style but also literally, that they fit your body and that they are not too baggy or too tight. There is a reason why the upper class goes to tailors to get specially measured for their suits, standing in front of a mirror as a man scurries around them with a measuring tape, scribbling down notes, muttering under his breath. It is so the suits fit and look like they were literally made for you, which they were, which in turn boosts your confidence. Of course, you are not expected to get measured and get custom-made jeans or shirts, but you should at least make sure that your clothes fit properly. This doesn’t mean you can’t buy more loose or tighter clothing depending on your preferences, especially with clothes like cargo pants for example, that are a little looser by design. Of course, you can, but they should still look natural on you. 


Our clothing can have a substantial impact on our moods, and vice versa, with the way we dress reflecting our mood at any given moment. This is mostly evident with women, who have entire outfits for their moods or days, while men tend to gravitate towards wearing whatever is closest to grab, with their moods having little to do with it. Even so, on days when we feel positive and happy, we go for playful patterns and bright, lively colors, while during times of anxiety or sadness, we almost subconsciously reach for cozy and comfortable clothes in neutral tones, almost becoming a reflection of how we feel on the inside. 

Comfort vs Style

An ever-important question, finding that balance, that sweet spot between feeling good and looking good. Many people have the dilemma of having to choose between style and comfort, a battle that can also impact our mood and behavior in multiple ways. Finding that balance between the two is a decision only you can make in the end, with your goal being to both look fantastic but also feel fantastic. 


Fashion has always been around since we first started wearing furs and animal skins, an innate human instinct to look attractive and confident. Confidence is half the battle of looking great, a fact that has become more apparent in recent years, and one you should consciously internalize before getting dressed until it is a permanent fixture on you; an aura that follows you wherever you go.