6 Tips And Tricks To Cutting Your Own Hair

A good-looking haircut boosts confidence and makes us feel pretty and cared for once done. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to go to the hair salon when it’s time to have a cut done, so some people learn to cut their hair instead.   

It could be tricky to get each hair in place and cut for the best look, but with some practice, it’s possible. The cutting process is a whole lot easier when we have some tips and tricks for cutting your hair:   

     1. Get Everything Together Before Starting   

Before taking to your hair with scissors, it’s recommended you read more related information first. Getting the right tools and other items in place is a crucial step to success when cutting hair. It’d be nearly impossible to reach or search for things mid-cut, especially if it’s a need-to-have item.   

Even in a salon, the hairdresser can’t attempt to start anything if they didn’t have everything planned out beforehand. So, make a list of items that you’ll use and put them in one place, preferably in front of a mirror with adequate lighting:   

  • Scissors   
  • Combs   
  • Treatments   
  • Gel, mousse, hairspray   
  • Water spray bottle   
  • Styling tools like a hairdryer   


     2. Do Research On The Style You Want   

Going in for a minor trim is the opposite of cutting hair into a new style. If the latter is what will happen, research the hairstyle before bringing scissors near the head of the hair. Some hair texture and thickness aren’t suited for specific styles and making sure of this before cutting could save a lot of heartaches if it doesn’t look as expected.   

Luckily, there are many tutorial videos, articles, and posts available to give some guidance about the most commonly used hairstyles. The more information someone has about the style, how to cut it, and style it, the better their chances of success.   

     3. Wash, Dry, And Style Before Cutting   

This tip is beneficial when doing a trim. Wearing hair in a specific way will cause it to fall into that style naturally over time, so trimming the ends prevents the person from cutting off too much.   

Although the stylist at the salon would likely wet the hair before cutting, this only allows them to see the straight lines better. They have trained and practiced this technique for a long time and would-be masters of wet haircuts, which a person without training isn’t.   

    4. Use Small Sections At A Time   

If this is the first-time taking scissors to your hair, start with small sections and only cut a short amount of hair. This way, if the cut isn’t going as planned, there’s some room left for a stylist to assist in fixing uneven edges or lines.   

Cutting through big chunks of hair is also very difficult, making the cut less accurate. Instead, opt for smaller pieces, even if it may take longer. Ultimately, all the effort will be well worth it when you walk away with a beautiful new do.   

    5. Take Care Of The Direction   

Any stylist or hairdresser worth their salt will tell you that it’s better to point-cut instead of cutting straight across each section. Point-cutting is when the scissors are pointed up at the hair shaft and not parallel to the fingers holding the piece of hair. This style of cutting prevents visible lines from being cut into the hair and makes the hair fall more naturally into the cut.   

   6. Style The Hair And Trim Where Needed   

After cutting the hair and everything seems done, it probably isn’t. Style the hair as you usually would and check all around for edges not lining up, long sections that need further trimming, or any other issues that need adjusting.   

The hairstyle may not look like much, and not all the parts missed are noticed if the hair isn’t put in the style the way it should be. So, remember to style first before making those final cuts.  

cutting hair close-up. Mom does a hairstyle for her daughter at home on her own. professional scissors. saving money at a beauty salon.

The Finishing Touches  

Cutting hair is a calling that not everyone is equally good at, and with little to no training, it could be even trickier. Luckily, the job becomes less daunting with all the tips and tricks from professionals and the right tools.   

Anyone who cut their hair for the first time earned new respect for salon stylists with all of their experience. But, as with all other skills we learn in life, practice makes perfect. So, the more you cut your hair, the better you’ll get at it, as long as you follow the tips and tricks of the trade.