10 Great Ways to Expand Your Wardrobe of Elegant Outfits

10 Great Ways to Expand Your Wardrobe of Elegant Outfits




Everyone needs a collection of elegant outfits to whip out for weddings, parties, galas, or any other general outing. Here are some fashion tips!

Your wardrobe may be holding simple to elegant outfits and they rarely have any showtime. There are so many ways for you to help you improve your clothes in your wardrobe or improve your shopping ways.

Today, we explore the ways to boost your wardrobe as you can’t hold onto clothing you’ve never used or used once. Either you’re looking for a way to improve your style or increase your wardrobe, we got you! Here are 10 ways to freshen up your looks, empty some space in your wardrobe, and look the best you can.

  1. Try the First In/Last Out Wardrobe Strategy

This strategy originated from Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner, who says that most people use 20 percent of their closet 80 percent of the time. Do this instead: after wearing an outfit, place it at the back of your wardrobe. It forces you to see the pieces that you haven’t worn yet.

It also helps you see the uninteresting pieces which you can donate or sell. Another approach is to hang the clothes inside out after you’ve worn them unless you have to wash them. It’s hard not to forget what you wore and it lets your other clothes have a chance to get shown off.

  1. Have Clothes Tailored

A great tailor can transform simple clothes in your wardrobe into custom elegant outfits. A tailor can repair rips, fix pants to fit you, and some designs and style. It saves you the time and money to go find new clothes when you can get your outfits tailored to look unique.

Tailors can also do simple hemming, replace zippers, shorten long straps, and many more. Start with your long skirts or pants, formal clothing, and special occasion items.

  1. Start Getting Thrifty

You don’t have to spend lots of money to have a great look and elegant outfits. Thrift stores have hidden treasures to expand your wardrobe and it’s cheaper than branded stores. Why not look at the clothes of your friends and family that they rarely use and either recycle or DIY on them.

  1. Discover New Brands

You can get stuck in style ruts if you only stick and visit one shop. It’s okay to have one core favorite, but you have to discover new styles in other brands and stores for inspiration. Explore mid-ranged brands to high-end designer labels, and your perspective will widen.

  1. Invest On Accessory Pieces

Accessories are great in showing off your personality without looking like you’re wearing a costume. To add some spice on a plain t-shirt, you can add a chunky piece necklace to make your outfit look more “dressy.”

Belts on dresses are a great way to show off your curves or have sunglasses to go with a fancy dress. So be sure to keep a collection of belts, necklaces, earrings, glasses, and so on.

  1. You Don’t Have to Follow Trends

Although some trends are great, they may not match your style, body shape, or color.  Having classic pieces or basics is enough as they never go out of style as trends come and go. Look for more staples and styles that have been in the store for a long time and it never runs out.

  1. Make Use Of the Golden Wardrobe Ratio

This is great for those with full closets and there’s no more space for your elegant outfits. For every three items that stay in your wardrobe, two must go, donated, or sold. Having unused clothes in your wardrobe isn’t going to be part of your essentials in your mix of clothes.

  1. Mix and Match Your Outfits

Most times, we end up using the same combinations over and over again. Try mixing up the clothes you wear often and the ones that are at the back of your wardrobe. Try the base-accent-pop formula.

The base is the foundation of the outfit, it’s your hard pieces like suits, dress, and pants. Usually, they are novel and neutral in color. The accent is the tops, cardigans, or layering pieces in which colors that differ from your base.

The pop is what most women ignore, the accessories and pop pieces like scarves, belts, bags, and many more. Having a few metallic pop pieces can bring your outfit to stand out. Take time to match your outfits, take a picture of any matches you like so you won’t forget.

Tan is such a universal and versatile color for heals or sandals, why not check it out!

  1. Don’t Buy Clothes For Only One Occasion

Buying clothes for only one occasion like a wedding or reunion is such a waste of your money. As much as we like to stand out and wear something new, it rarely gets more than one outing. Instead, try a few pieces in your wardrobe that are more versatile.

Going for a simple and classic look with the right accessories will get you using that outfit more. Try using clothes that are also off-season like fall wear or summer wear for spring or vice versa.

  1. Get Daily Inspiration

Sometimes, it’s difficult to think of an outfit yourself so why not look at bloggers or celebrities for inspiration. Celebrities are great inspiration since they have professional stylists dressing them up. Social media like Instagram have plenty of influencers sharing their styles and outfits.

Check out what they’re wearing and put together some outfits that look similar. You can also get your stylish friends to raid your wardrobe to match and make elegant outfits. Keep in mind that your inspiration has to have a similar body shape and sense of style.

Show Off Your Elegant Outfits

If you like your look, then don’t be afraid to show it off and ignore what other people think. You don’t have to dress like everybody else, embrace your uniqueness, and improve your originality. Expanding and reinventing your wardrobe will have you make the tough decisions, but you’ll have the best elegant outfits for your everyday.

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